Playback of Kwir Thought
Film and editing consultant : Manon Amacouty
Musical composition : Thaniat Satirou
Camera work : Margot Notari, Aloïs Fructus, Get Drone (Alexandre Hoarau and Morgane Bellier) Styling : Brandon Gercara, Shei Tan, and Ismaël Moussadjee assisted by Quentin Rato
Make-up : Amandine
M.U.A Hair : Shei Tan
Nails : WalpaClaws (Djivan)
Technique : Yoni Patchama, Laetitia Ango and Yannick Péria
Photography : Guillaume Haurice
Coordination : Samuel Perche
Filmed in the heart of Reunion Island National Park with permission from PNRun

Views from the group show : À corps perdus, curator Nathalie Gonthier, Cité des Arts, Saint-Denis, La Réunion, 2022.
Photography © Ugo Woatzi
‘Playback of Kwir Thought’ is an opportunity to treat the militant discourse as a pop star performance and to turn it into a plastic and visual proposition.
Kwir1 discourses or struggles are here embodied by the creation of a drag character and its set.
The set suggests a dreamlike universe, close to the erupting volcano of Reunion Island, where we find rhinestone shoes and a glittery stage hybridized with dried lava, a pre-recorded voice that mixes with the sounds of the elements on the Piton de La Fournaise. The volcano, symbol of creation - where the earth is produced - becomes the metaphor of a thought that emerges from the territory of Reunion Island.
With strass and glitters, wig and lipstick, it is in the light of a drag show that Brandon Gercara reactivates their own speech delivered on the stage of the first LGBTQIA+ visibility march in Reunion Island : a speech denouncing the dynamics of domination that LGBTQIA+ people in Reunion Island are subjected to. The sound of helicopters blurs and/or censors the discourse to remind us of the constant surveillance of our world. An authoritarian sound intervention reminds us of the absurd need for control over the living.
Conceived as a fiction with chimerical and hybrid elements, this work questions a traumatized collective imaginary world, the world of LGBTQIA+ people in a postcolonial world.
This production is the possibility to re-imagine the traces we keep of a speech, to rethink the video documents of conferences, and to propose a less conventional plastic form of it.

Photography series Majik Kwir
Digital print on aluminium (3 ex), 20 x 30 cm.
Also see the photography series Majik Kwir, from which Bloom stems.
- Kwir is a word from Reunionese Creole that allows queer issues to be anchored in the specific territory that is Reunion Island. It commonly refers to the LGBTQIA+ community in Reunion Island. ↩