Brandon Gercara

UP. 25.10.2022

Playback of Kwir Thought

Playback of Kwir (Queer) Thought, 2022
Video, 6 min 50 s.
Script and technical editing : Manon Amacouty, Margot Notari and Maëva Thurel
Film and editing consultant : Manon Amacouty
Musical composition : Thaniat Satirou
Camera work : Margot Notari, Aloïs Fructus, Get Drone (Alexandre Hoarau and Morgane Bellier) Styling : Brandon Gercara, Shei Tan, and Ismaël Moussadjee assisted by Quentin Rato
Make-up : Amandine
M.U.A Hair : Shei Tan
Nails : WalpaClaws (Djivan)
Technique : Yoni Patchama, Laetitia Ango and Yannick Péria
Photography : Guillaume Haurice
Coordination : Samuel Perche

Filmed in the heart of Reunion Island National Park with permission from PNRun


Playback of Kwir (queer) Thought, 2022
Installation, fictional performance, digital teleprompter, soundtrack, stage (iron, wood, strass, glitter, expanding foam, aerosol), wig, high-heeled shoes, suitcase, various items, 4 x 2 m.
Photography © Ugo Woatzi

Views from the group show : À corps perdus, curator Nathalie Gonthier, Cité des Arts, Saint-Denis, La Réunion, 2022.

Photography © Ugo Woatzi

‘Playback of Kwir Thought’ is an opportunity to treat the militant discourse as a pop star performance and to turn it into a plastic and visual proposition.

Kwir1 discourses or struggles are here embodied by the creation of a drag character and its set.

The set suggests a dreamlike universe, close to the erupting volcano of Reunion Island, where we find rhinestone shoes and a glittery stage hybridized with dried lava, a pre-recorded voice that mixes with the sounds of the elements on the Piton de La Fournaise. The volcano, symbol of creation - where the earth is produced - becomes the metaphor of a thought that emerges from the territory of Reunion Island.

With strass and glitters, wig and lipstick, it is in the light of a drag show that Brandon Gercara reactivates their own speech delivered on the stage of the first LGBTQIA+ visibility march in Reunion Island : a speech denouncing the dynamics of domination that LGBTQIA+ people in Reunion Island are subjected to. The sound of helicopters blurs and/or censors the discourse to remind us of the constant surveillance of our world. An authoritarian sound intervention reminds us of the absurd need for control over the living.

Conceived as a fiction with chimerical and hybrid elements, this work questions a traumatized collective imaginary world, the world of LGBTQIA+ people in a postcolonial world.

This production is the possibility to re-imagine the traces we keep of a speech, to rethink the video documents of conferences, and to propose a less conventional plastic form of it.

Bloom, 2022
With Ugo Woatzi
Photography series Majik Kwir
Digital print on aluminium (3 ex), 20 x 30 cm.
Photography © Ugo Woatzi.

Also see the photography series Majik Kwir, from which Bloom stems.

  1. Kwir is a word from Reunionese Creole that allows queer issues to be anchored in the specific territory that is Reunion Island. It commonly refers to the LGBTQIA+ community in Reunion Island.