Anne Fontaine

UP. 02.11.2021

Born in 1983

Lives and works in Reunion Island

Anne Fontaine uses the garden in its wild state as grounds for observation and sociological and graphic research. Working within a circumscribed area, she collects plants and classifies them as she would a herbarium. This methodical picking expresses and runs throughout her thought process and her examination of movements of human populations and the conditions in which we are able to live together as communities. She then uses drawing, photography, painting and wallpaper as mediums to convey the various stages of her research and findings. In the end, her pieces become graphic and poetic theorems of the living world. Anne Fontaine does not use this technique simply as an effective and clever way of presenting her observations. Instead, she uses a sensitive and intuitive language, poised between what is unknown to us and what we are able to refer to. Her creations are hypotheses that do not seek to convince but rather to question, to make us do with what we see. One is drawn to her work because of its beauty, its contained, precise and structured workmanship and, by extension, the various feelings and thoughts we experience mirror the outlines of her intricate and demanding work.

Marie Birot, 2020.


Île de mille parts, remix

Group exhibition, Frac Réunion, Piton Saint-Leu, from the 07/04/2024 to the 10/11/2024, Anne Fontaine, Esther Hoareau, Tatiana Patchama

Voyage intérieur

Group exhibition, Aéroport Roland Garros, Saint-Denis de La Réunion, from the 20/04/2024 to the 20/10/2024, Anne Fontaine, Kako, Migline Paroumanou

Fantézi an maron

Group exhibition, La boutik Gilbert / Lo zit Relais de Mafate, Mafate - La Nouvelle, from the 11/05/2024 to the 12/05/2024, Anne Fontaine, Kako, Stéphane Kenkle